Next-Gen WAF for Java 1.1.0

  • Updated jars to match maven conventions LICENSE constants.js docs edge gatsby-browser.js gatsby-config.js gatsby-node.js gatsby-schema-customization.js gatsby-ssr.js node_modules package.json plugins postcss.config.js src src-ja static utils yarn.lock sigsci-module-java-{version}.jar contains the module classes without dependencies (see pom.xml) LICENSE constants.js docs edge gatsby-browser.js gatsby-config.js gatsby-node.js gatsby-schema-customization.js gatsby-ssr.js node_modules package.json plugins postcss.config.js src src-ja static utils yarn.lock sigsci-module-java-{version}-shaded.jar bundles dependencies following maven shaded classifier <classifier>shaded</classifier>
  • Updated dependencies to latest
  • Fixed a rare issue where an exception would cause the filter chain to be called twice

Prior change: Next-Gen WAF for Java 1.0.5

Following change: Next-Gen WAF for Java 1.1.1