Get smarter AppSec solutions on a secure platform.

  • Eliminate toil

    A more intelligent WAF reduces maintenance effort while improving your app and API security. Get smarter, pre-emptive IP blocking at the application layer and DDoS and bot protection at the network layer.

  • Secure by design

    Make your organization safer by default while boosting performance. Using an edge network can protect automatically, simplify safe deployment and provisioning, and scale with your needs.

  • Easier DevOps is good for SecOps

    A solution that works with your existing processes can improve security while making your life easier and your teams faster. Reduce complexity and maintenance effort while cutting point solutions and consolidating vendors.

  • The AppSec Guide for Multi-Layer Security shows you how.

    Learn 8 modern tactics to improve your app and API security strategy.

    Download the white paper
Work smarter not harder

Smarter, easier security solutions

  • Next-Gen WAF

    The NGWAF understands the syntax of attacks so you don’t have to. Stay protected and stay fast with less maintenance and tuning.

  • Network Learning Exchange

    NLX gathers real-time IP reputation intelligence across the Fastly network and plugs into the WAF for simple, accurate IP blocking.

  • Compute@Edge

    Extend the NGWAF with Compute@Edge to eliminate point solutions like login discovery, password validation, and more.

  • Built-in DDoS and bot protection

    Fastly automatically blocks Layer 3 and 4 DDoS attacks in our network, while our WAF blocks complex Layer 7 DDoS and bot attacks.

  • No more regex maintenance

    Better security. Less maintenance. No regex. SmartParse does the work for you, so you can block with confidence.

  • Caching keeps you safer

    Shrink your security exposure by reducing calls to origin with advanced caching that makes you safer by default (and faster as well).

Commissioned by Fastly

Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study

Fewer security incidents

Security incidents decreased for representatives’ companies as they spent less time troubleshooting customers issues. One company saw a 40% decrease in security incidents with the deployment of Fastly CDN.

Automatic mitigation

The chief security officer in e-commerce discussed: “We turned Fastly on, and suddenly all the malicious stuff, all the basic application-level attacks that used to trigger our operations center and response on our side, were just automatically dealt with. [It’s] hard to quantify cost or value on that, but I can sleep better.”

Nearly zero escalations

“Prior to us enabling WAF as part of the Fastly [platform], our engineers were getting two or three escalations per week during nonbusiness hours. After they implemented the security tools from Fastly, that went to nearly zero.” – Chief security officer, e-commerce

Benefit from a secure-by-default network

  • We fit into your workflow

    The Fastly network and Next-Gen WAF are easy for engineers and good for security by fitting into CI/CD workflows with Terraform, APIs, and integrations.

  • Automatically resilient

    Our smarter platform automatically adjusts and routes around network issues and ensures that your applications stay up, reliable, and available.

  • Secure-by-design edge computing

    The Compute@Edge serverless compute environment provides per-request sandboxing and isolation to keep you safe by default.

  • Fastly’s TLS certificate authority

    We built our own certificate authority to give customers shorter validity periods, more control, stronger security, and end-to-end responsive customer support.

  • Observability

    Real-time and historic visibility into detailed response data for events and origin traffic sent through Fastly. See egress and error monitoring and more.

  • Threat intelligence and 24/7 security support

    Get expert insights 24/7 with either Managed Security Service or Response Security Service for extra monitoring and assistance.

Easy to use, easy to modernize

Get onto our modern network and improve your organization’s security quickly. We make it easy to start, easy to maintain, and easy on your budget.

Easier DevSecOps

DevOps loves easy provisioning and management across the Fastly platform using Terraform, the API, or the Fastly app. SecOps loves our integrations with leading DevOps and security tools that bring Fastly security telemetry into your existing workflows.

Your benefits:

- Minimize disruptions to software delivery workflows

- Free up your application devs to move and innovate faster

- Shift resources from time-consuming security maintenance to working on business critical tasks

One WAF everywhere

The Next-Gen WAF deploys anywhere – at the edge, on-prem, and in the cloud. It supports multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi-CDN. Deploy with containers, service meshes, API gateways, reverse proxies, ARM environments, and AWS Lambda – all managed with a single dashboard.

Your benefits:

- Reduce complexity with one WAF that covers your entire org

- Save money, consolidate vendors, and decommission inferior WAFs

- Get to value quickly with easy migrations. NGWAF deployment times are in minutes or hours, not weeks or months.

Predictable pricing

Updated packages offer flat-rate pricing for Network Services, Security, and serverless edge computing. Mix and match the packages that meet your needs, and plan your budget against predictable costs without the risk of unexpected overage charges.

Best for

- Stop paying surprise bills for sudden or seasonal spikes in traffic, bandwidth, or requests

- Choose a security package that protects your budget as well as your apps

- Move more logic into the serverless edge with protection against unexpected overages.

  • Stripe
    "We only considered what we thought was best in class, and Fastly was the obvious choice."
    Marc Hedlund
    VP of Engineering
  • Slate
    "It's very easy to get started with Fastly. The documentation is great, the support is great, and it just works."
    Greg Lavallee
    VP of Technology
  • New Relic
    "Fastly makes things that people previously said were impossible just part of your everyday routine."
    Nic Benders
    Chief Architect

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