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Introducing Fastly’s Real-Time Google BigQuery Integration

The New York Times and other brands leverage unlimited edge data pipeline for digital personalization

SAN FRANCISCO, August 17, 2017 – Fastly, the edge cloud platform, has announced a new integration with Google BigQuery that combines the benefits of edge computing with BigQuery’s powerful big data analytics platform. The first in a number of planned integrations with Google Cloud Platform, this collaboration provides companies with an unlimited, real-time edge data pipeline.

The big data analytics market will soon surpass $200 billion; as forward-thinking companies move more logic to the edge, this integration provides a unique solution for companies looking to maximize edge computing power for real-time big data analysis, eliminating slow, expensive, origin-based data processing pipelines.

Companies like The New York Times rely on Fastly’s BigQuery integration for real-time insights into website pageviews and usage by demographic, geo location, and other dimensions. Fastly log data can even be combined with additional data sources such as Google Analytics, Google Ads data, security and firewall logs. With a growing customer base including Vimeo, Spotify, and Gannett, Fastly is already streaming tens of millions of data points an hour from the edge into BigQuery for real-time analysis.

"At The New York Times, we are focused on providing long-term value to our readers, and to do that we need deep insight into each reader's path from acquaintance to committed subscriber," said Nick Rockwell, CTO, The New York Times. “With Fastly’s BigQuery integration, we can capture edge data and join to our other key data streams, to improve our understanding and produce a better experience for our 150 million unique monthly visitors."

"Fastly’s new BigQuery integration is a great example of how we partner to maximize innovation and customer choice" said Adam Massey, Director, Strategic Technology Partners at Google Cloud. "Together, Fastly’s edge cloud platform and BigQuery allow companies to analyze unlimited amounts of edge data for real-time, actionable insights on a highly-scalable and reliable infrastructure.”

To learn more about Fastly’s BigQuery integration, please visit:

Acerca de Fastly

Fastly facilita la conexión de las personas con todo lo que les gusta. Gracias a la plataforma de edge cloud de Fastly, los clientes pueden crear experiencias digitales extraordinarias de una forma rápida, segura y fiable. Esto se consigue procesando, distribuyendo y protegiendo las aplicaciones de nuestros clientes lo más cerca posible de sus usuarios finales: en el borde de Internet. La plataforma de Fastly está diseñada para aprovechar al máximo la arquitectura moderna de Internet, para ser programable y para agilizar el desarrollo de software con una visibilidad inigualable y una latencia mínima. De esta forma, los desarrolladores pueden innovar manteniendo el rendimiento y la seguridad. Fastly tiene como clientes a muchas de las empresas más destacadas del mundo, como Pinterest, The New York Times y GitHub.

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