
Descubre todas las formas en que Fastly puede ayudarte a ir más allá.

Recursos destacados

How Fastly outperforms the competition

Upgrade your edge platform with Fastly CDN and Compute, leaving Akamai behind.

Las ventajas del edge

Conoce las ventajas de implementar una estrategia en el edge y consulta algunos ejemplos de casos de uso para entender mejor sus…

Cortafuegos de aplicaciones web Fastly de próxima generación

Descubre por qué muchas empresas han decidido utilizar nuestro WAF de última generación para proteger sus sitios web, aplicaciones y API.

Descubre todos nuestros recursos

Tipos de contenido
Getting PCI DSS 4.0 Compliant with Fastly Security

Learn the basics of PCI compliance and how Fastly’s security products help solve requirements.

Buyers Guide for CDN

Navigate the CDN landscape confidently and find your perfect fit.

Fastly Bot Management

Learn how Fastly's Bot Management solution provides you with visibility and control over automated traffic.

Why security teams are migrating to Fastly

Learn the top five reasons organizations are moving to Fastly’s Next-Gen WAF.

Edge Cloud Strategy Report: eCommerce

Explore the challenges facing ecomm companies and learn optimization strategies for performance, security, and bots.

IDC Spotlight: Improving Performance and Enhancing Security at the edge

Being on the edge isn’t enough. A fully software-defined edge makes all the difference for performance, security, resilience, highly…

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