The security researchers delivering the latest insights

The Fastly Security Research Team uses research, analysis, and visibility across both our unique data and the overall threat landscape to inform and defend our customers from emerging threats.

Focus areas

Building stronger solutions through research

The Fastly Security Research Team serves as a trusted advisor and subject matter expert in security to our customers, internal teams, and the broader community. 

Threat Intelligence

We identify industry trends and emerging threats to proactively secure Fastly customers against threats.

Vulnerability research

We uncover the specifics of vulnerabilities and their impact; examining proof of concepts, reverse-engineering exploits from patches, and discovering new vulnerabilities.

Community support

We create content and tools to help the community navigate the current application security landscape and key threats within.

Early Detection

We monitor the macro-security environment for novel attacks and ensure security teams are aware and protected.

Trend analysis

We examine attack data to spotlight shifts in adversary dynamics.

Product Innovation

We create and evaluate new technologies to inform product innovation.

Demistifying the latest threats

New 0/N-day threats, CVEs, and much more are thrust into the industry more frequently than ever before. Keep your team appraised with our latest analysis:

Empowering secure practices

Security postures must regularly evolve to mitigate sophisticated attackers. Streamline your DevSecOps processes with features and best practices we’ve helped develop:

Educating the community

Customers leverage Fastly’s security products with varying levels of knowledge. Enhance your expertise with details on key concepts and trends: