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Pat Hickey

Principal Software Engineer
June 7, 2021
Alongside the Bytecode Alliance, Fastly’s WebAssembly team recently led a rigorous security assessment of Cranelift, an open-source, next-generation code generator for use in WebAssembly to…
May 29, 2020
WebAssembly is helping to lay the foundation for the future of edge computing. And together with the Bytecode Alliance and the developer community at large, we’re investing in new…
March 3, 2020
In our latest Bytecode Alliance initiative, we’re working to marry the benefits of Lucet and Wasmtime — ultimately creating a more seamless, secure, and speedy WebAssembly runtime and…
March 28, 2019
Today, we're thrilled to announce the open sourcing of Lucet, our native WebAssembly compiler and runtime. WebAssembly is a technology created to enable web browsers to safely execute…
December 12, 2018
Take a developer deep dive into Terrarium, our multi-language, browser-based editor and deployment platform at the edge. Learn how to compile Rust programs to WebAssembly right on your local…

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