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October 19, 2017
Fastly’s engineering teams are smart and capable — they architect thoughtfully, write elegant code, and work carefully with incredible complexity and scale. So why would they (or anyone…
September 26, 2017
We’ve worked to ensure the Fastly Image Optimizer is simple, easy to use, and most importantly fully integrated into the platform. In an effort to give you even more control, we've developed…
September 12, 2017
Server-sent events allow web servers to push real-time event notifications to the browser on a long-lived HTTP response. It's a beautiful part of the web platform that’s severely underused…
August 22, 2017
You can use the Vary response header in creative ways, including A/B testing and internationalization. At the same time, many people still use Vary badly or misunderstand what it does; in…
August 3, 2017
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added a collection of new POPs to the Fastly global network. Since our last update, we’ve deployed additional US POPs in Chicago, Newark, Ashburn, and…
August 2, 2017
Surrogate keys give Fastly customers a unique way to efficiently purge content from cache — batch API for surrogate key purge allows you to purge content even more efficiently by purging…
June 7, 2017
Since we made HTTP/2 generally available in November 2016, h2 traffic has been steadily growing as more customers migrate to the new version of the protocol; since the beginning of 2017, h…
May 3, 2017
CDN and caching can get confused for one another. Learn the differences between CDN and caching to help decide what you should use for optimal web performance.
April 19, 2017
We’re pleased to announce our 35th point of presence (POP) located in Johannesburg, South Africa, and have grown our overall network capacity by 737.6% since 2014. We’ve deployed to…
February 14, 2017
Cache hit ratio is a common metric that evaluates a CDN's performance. Learn more about how to improve your cache hit ratio.
February 2, 2017
Our CDN can cache more content than traditional solutions (static as well as rapidly changing, “event-driven” content), offloading traffic that would otherwise go to origin, allowing our…

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