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June 8, 2016
We’re often asked why having more POPs doesn’t necessarily make a CDN faster. To help illustrate, we’ll use an analogy of convenience stores versus supermarkets.
May 11, 2016
This post is the first in a series detailing the evolution of network software at Fastly. We’re unique amongst our peers in that from inception, we’ve always viewed networking as an integral…
October 22, 2015
Neerav Mehta, founder & CEO of Red Crackle, walks us through how to optimize your Drupal site.
August 10, 2015
Your site's performance needs to be monitored closely, but once you start your monitoring initiative, you might find yourself drowning in an endless wave of information. This can make it…
August 3, 2015
We often say that Fastly can easily become an extension of your app — there are three major components that make this possible: caching, control, and visibility.
July 30, 2015
Building a new point of presence (POP) from scratch involves all of the engineering groups within Fastly. Our data center infrastructure (DCI) team spearheads and coordinates the POP build…
July 15, 2015
We’re more engaged online than ever before, especially when it comes to consuming news. If you work with online media brands, you’re well aware that the way readers engage with news events…
June 15, 2015
You may not know that the software your developers use can affect the success of your marketing activities. It’s within both teams’ interests to collaborate to ensure good performance.
May 18, 2015
A CDN not only shields your origin from spikes in traffic, but it also ensures speedy delivery of content. This helps you meet your users’ expectations when they visit your site, whether…

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