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The Fastly Collective

November 30, 2023
Legacy WAFS can come with a lot of shortcomings, that's why when designing the Fastly Next-Gen WAF, we set out to enable users with these four key benefits.
September 13, 2023
By decentralizing computing resources and bringing them closer to the end-users, edge cloud offers ecommerce applications unprecedented speed, low latency, and enhanced security…
September 11, 2023
Continuous integration is the process of completely automating code commit and test practices, thereby avoiding a manual workflow that is inefficient and subject to human error.
September 11, 2023
Understand what DevOps security is and how financial organizations should be using it to keep valuable information safe.
July 21, 2021
How to accelerate your WAF visibility from 0 to 100MPH
July 7, 2020
Being able to continuously authenticate users’ access to critical web and API services without causing them to pay the price of increased friction may sound like a lofty goal. Still, it can…
December 20, 2019
Learn about the technical details of SSRF, how it was utilized in the Capital One breach, why it’s so critical to understand for today’s cloud-hosted web apps, and how organizations can…
November 15, 2019
The 4.2 release of the Fastly agent introduces WebSocket traffic inspection, enabling customers to extend the coverage of applications, APIs, and microservices protected by Fastly’s Next-Gen…
January 31, 2019
Security and development teams have a responsibility to secure customer data at the web application layer and stop attackers and Fastly's Next-Gen WAF can help.
September 29, 2018
This post focuses on the key authentication events that financial services organizations should monitor to defend against account takeovers. We’ll also illustrate how utilizing a threshold…
September 26, 2018
Sigsci-sounds monitor attack and anomaly data and will play a sound for each type of attack or anomaly.
March 7, 2018
Legacy WAFs were a stopgap that compliance regulations forced many to adopt (or at least pretend to). Learn more about why they fail and how the next generation of WAFs bridges the gap.

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