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March 28, 2019
Today, we're thrilled to announce the open sourcing of Lucet, our native WebAssembly compiler and runtime. WebAssembly is a technology created to enable web browsers to safely execute…
February 7, 2019
Recently we launched Fastly Terrarium, a multi-language, browser-based editor and deployment platform where you can experiment with edge technology. Now, for those well-versed in C and Rust…
December 12, 2018
Take a developer deep dive into Terrarium, our multi-language, browser-based editor and deployment platform at the edge. Learn how to compile Rust programs to WebAssembly right on your local…
December 10, 2018
Get hands-on with Terrarium, a Fastly project that lets developers harness the power of edge computing in the languages they already use. See how this technology demonstration came to be…
November 20, 2018
We’re thrilled to introduce Fastly Labs, a hub of in-progress projects and big ideas for the developer community to interact with, all built upon our philosophy of trust, transparency, and…
September 26, 2018
1.4 billion active monthly users, 10 billion requests per day, and 5.2 TB per second peak traffic — these are some of the staggering numbers we heard about at our 7th Altitude conference…
June 29, 2018
While WebAssembly has already proven a fertile attack surface for the browser, as more web application code moves to WebAssembly from Javascript there will be a need to research and secure…

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