
Taboola is a global content recommendation platform serving 500 million+ daily active users and 15,000+ advertisers. After implementing Fastly, Taboola saw real-time stats on their platform, which helped address performance, stability and availability issues. They also experienced an uptake in their synthetic monitoring, improving uptime by 12%.
Industry: SaaS, Digital Publishing
Location: New York & Global
Customer since: 2016

Favorite features
Load Balancer

“It's DevOps easy. It's DevOps friendly. It was built for people within IT. You can API anything you need. You can use Terraform for anything that you want. All the data is there at your fingertips. Configuration is easily changed and tracked. There are so many things that are just built by people that obviously love HTTP and for people that use HTTP for their living.”

Ariel Pisetzky
VP Information Technology & Cyber

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