Fastly Industry Reports

Discover industry-specific challenges for optimizing for performance and security, and learn how an edge cloud strategy opens up new and innovative solutions.

Airlines Industry report image
Industry Report

Explore website delivery performance from the world’s largest airlines and learn how an edge cloud strategy can help.

Industry report gaming image
Industry Report

Learn the challenges facing gaming companies and developers, and how an edge cloud strategy can help.

Industry report ecommerce image
Industry Report

Explore the challenges facing ecomm companies and learn optimization strategies for performance, security, and bots.

Digital publishing
Industry Report
Digital publishing

Explore the challenges facing digital publishers today and learn optimization strategies to ensure your content reaches online audiences before anyone else.

SaaS image
Industry Report

Explore the challenges facing SaaS organizations today and learn how to regain control and deploy at the edge with flexibility.

Finserv image
Industry Report
Financial Services

Explore the challenges facing FinServ organizations today and  learn which 10 security advantages are driving big migrations within the industry.

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