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Industry insights

September 30, 2022
Many companies across our industry agree that privacy is a human right. We love to hear that. At Fastly, we understand that privacy is just the right thing to do
September 28, 2022
A can’t-miss conversation with Fastly’s VP of Product, Infrastructure Services, Jana Iyengar about getting his hands dirty among a whole community of brilliant people who have been busy…
September 6, 2022
With streaming now the most common way for viewers to watch content, the modern broadcaster needs to focus on scalability, resiliency, and security.
August 25, 2022
Automated scripts, or bots, make up a large portion of product purchases on the web today. To some businesses, these bots cause harm, but for others, bots help drive revenue. If you are an…
August 10, 2022
At Fastly, we work hard to stay ahead of legal changes that affect our customers. It’s always our goal to help customers stay confident and compliant, as seamlessly as possible.
May 26, 2022
Every Thursday in March, we hosted industry thought leaders on “The Dept. of Know Live!” Web Series to chat about trends in web app and API security. Read on to learn more about our…
December 22, 2021
In this post, we’ll take a look back at the past year through the eyes of our edge cloud network to explore what we saw across new protocol adoption, security initiatives, network growth…
December 14, 2021
We’re sharing our latest data and new insights into the Log4j/Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228 + CVE-2021-45046) in this post in order to help the engineering community cope with the…
December 9, 2021
The web’s infrastructure — and the applications we build on it — must constantly evolve to meet the ever-transforming expectations of modern and future end users. We’ve gathered five lessons…
December 6, 2021
A couple of weeks ago Cloudflare, one of our competitors, claimed that their edge compute platform is roughly three times as fast as Compute@Edge. The false claim is a great example of how…
December 3, 2021
We analyzed traffic from Thanksgiving Thursday to Cyber Monday in order to understand the traffic, buying, and security trends of ecommerce's big week.
December 1, 2021
To create more secure and resilient web experiences, we must design, build, and execute applications with security top of mind, and consider how the lessons of the past 30 years inform how…

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