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July 6, 2020
The Cache-Control response header is one of HTTP’s more widely known header fields; it allows a site to control how caches handle their data in CDNs, browsers, and elsewhere
June 26, 2020
The HTTP community has been busy modernizing the web’s protocol over the last decade, with multiple revisions of the core specification, a number of extensions, HTTP/2, and now HTTP/…
June 22, 2020
Network error logging reports client-side failures and successes, enabling developers to understand how their sites function in the real world and how they might improve performance. In this…
June 16, 2020
In this post we will describe the motivations for a standard WebAssembly cryptography API, the challenges of designing such an API for this programming language, and the work Fastly has…
June 3, 2020
Understand what Core Web Vitals means and how you can improve some of these metrics with a CDN configuration.
April 30, 2020
While many of the people building and planning to use QUIC are eager to see wide deployment, there are concerns over whether QUIC can be as computationally efficient as TCP. We ran the tests…
April 29, 2020
This series on the digital divide examines the data behind several yet-unexplored facets of the issue, the people and places it impacts most greatly, and what can and should be done to close…
April 17, 2020
HTTP/3 and QUIC aim to help the internet's so-called long-tail connections — connections that are most in need of improvement. What could that look like? For some, it could mean being able…
April 8, 2020
How is COVID-19 affecting internet performance? We analyzed regional and vertical trends and found that, despite COVID-19-related traffic increases, the internet is up to the challenge.
April 3, 2020
These crucial pieces of internet architecture — only widely adopted over the last 10 years — are creating the capacity for us to live, work, and learn from home in unprecedented conditions.
February 12, 2020
The newest version of Transport Layer Security, TLS 1.3, is faster, more robust, and more responsive than ever before. Explore three ways it will help HTTPS protect origin names for improved…
January 30, 2020
Fastly’s QUIC and HTTP/3 beta is coming soon. Join the waitlist and discover how these two new protocols solve the modern internet’s problems.

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