
Deliveroo is an award-winning on-demand delivery service founded in 2013 by William Shu and Greg Orlowski. Deliveroo works with over 16,000 restaurants, as well as over 20,000 riders to provide the best food delivery experience in the world. Deliveroo is headquartered in London, with more than 1,000 employees in offices around the globe, and now operates in over 130 cities across 12 countries, including Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
Industry: Ecommerce
Location: London, UK
Customer since: 2016

Favorite features
Custom VCL
Origin Shield
TLS termination

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Why Fastly

Customers all across the world rely on Deliveroo to find and order great food from their favorite restaurants. In a given area, there may be as many as 300 restaurants to choose from, and it’s critical that Deliveroo not only provides these choices quickly, but has the power to swiftly and securely move customers through the ordering process. The Deliveroo team wanted to enhance their previous CDN solution and they found that Fastly’s CDN resulted in 7% improvement in global load time (and in some areas as much as 50%), translating to a 1% increase in site conversion.

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Ultimate customization + scaling

Deliveroo needed to create redundancy to prepare for major spikes in demand as a result of restaurant promotions, or peak dining hours, but didn’t want to maintain servers that would mostly sit idle. Fastly empowers Deliveroo to scale when necessary while also giving them the ability to tailor their CDN configuration based on what they needed — such as setting up custom headers to migrate their restaurant order managers from their previous setup.

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Reduced load times for global growth

Deliveroo’s global user base is growing significantly, and they wanted the ability to meet demand no matter where requests originate. With Fastly, they’re able to provide consistently fast experiences across the world.

Secure online ordering

Deliveroo handles personal information — such as customer names, emails, and addresses —to ensure smooth online ordering and delivery, and needs to protect their customers’ privacy.

With Fastly, Deliveroo can terminate Transport Layer Security (TLS) at the edge of the network, ensuring fast and secure dining experiences.

“Fastly absolutely helps ensure our customers are getting the best experience by allowing them to find the restaurant they want and check out as fast as possible.”

Martin Phee
Senior Software Engineer, Deliveroo

“Even the slightest improvement in site performance and conversion has a major impact on our bottom line. By allowing us to meet customer expectations online, Fastly helps drive revenue and growth.”

Dan Webb
VP of Engineering, Deliveroo

“Fastly enabled us to scale and customize our unique configuration based on our needs, giving us much better throughput and redundancy.”

Martin Phee
Senior Software Engineer, Deliveroo

“After switching to Fastly, time to first byte (TTFB) went down substantially, and any time we turn up a specific country on Fastly the site responsiveness is dramatic.”

Martin Phee
Senior Software Engineer, Deliveroo

“With the number and strategic placement of Fastly’s edge servers, we’ve really seen increased site speed as compared to our previous provider. Deliveroo is very JavaScript heavy, so any improvement in those page load times makes a huge difference for the end user.”

Martin Phee
Senior Software Engineer, Deliveroo

“Fastly maintains all of our TLS certificates, making sure everything is up to date. Because we handle a lot of personal customer information, it’s critical that we have secure solutions in place to protect their privacy.”

Martin Phee
Senior Software Engineer, Deliveroo

“Fastly has worked out great; being able to manage our own configuration plus having the support we needed to get going was amazing. The Fastly support team got us up and running quickly, building us custom configurations to make for a smooth and painless migration.”

Martin Phee
Senior Software Engineer, Deliveroo

“Migrating to Fastly was utterly painless — it’s great working with a group of knowledgeable, responsive individuals whether you’re engaging with sales or support.”

Dan Webb
VP of Engineering, Deliveroo

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