Easily manage IP addresses

IP Addresses

Fastly can provide Dedicated IP addresses to support non-SNI traffic, manage large domain lists, identify zero billing traffic and more. You can also bring your own IP addresses for Fastly to announce and land traffic on your services.

Dedicated IP addresses

Dedicated IP addresses provide a pool of IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses, maintained and managed by Fastly, across our global edge cloud platform. This can be used for supporting non-SNI traffic, platform customer support, zero rating billing identification, or securing access through IP control lists.

Support for non-SNI traffic

Dedicated IP addresses can be used to support non-SNI traffic. Fastly can install customer-provided certificates at a dedicated set of IP addresses identified via customer-managed DNS records.

Simplified management of large domain lists

With dedicated IP addresses, IP-to-Service Pinning is used to help customers who are managing a large number of domains that need to be mapped to a single service. This option simplifies the management of large domain lists.

More personalized control

Fastly supports a number of standard cipher suites. Should you require more personalized control, Fastly allows you to create custom cipher suites by providing you with dedicated IP addresses that support these custom sets.

Zero-rated billing identification

Zero-rated IP addresses (ZRIPs) allow you to use dedicated IP addresses within Fastly’s global Edge Cloud to identify traffic for special treatment. For example, if you need to waive billing charges going to or from specific web resources, ZRIPs provides that support.

Security allowlisting

Use a dedicated set of Fastly global IPs to inform your egress access control lists (ACLs) on security sensitive applications outside of Fastly.

Subscriber Provided Prefix

Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP)

For customers who want to control their address space by separating their network layer concerns from their content delivery concerns, Fastly's Subscriber Provided Prefix, allows you to have your IP address ranges announced, routed and served by Fastly infrastructure for use with production services. Provide your own IP address space to Fastly, then direct traffic to your own IP addresses.

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