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November 15, 2022
TLS key size has a recommended length of 2048 bits, but that does not mean you can not go bigger or smaller. In this post, we explore the various TLS key sizes by examining the function of…
November 15, 2022
For 40 years, RSA certificates have been the industry standard for Transport Layer Security (TLS). But we’re seeing a shift – especially as the prevalence of high-traffic cyber attacks…
November 7, 2022
With Fastly’s new Visual Studio Code extension, Fastly Varnish Configuration Language (VCL), you can now syntax highlight Fastly VCL code.
October 19, 2022
Learn how User-Agent Client Hints work, explore privacy-related features and concerns, and how the partial adoption and incompleteness of this emerging standard can be used to detect…
October 12, 2022
As organizations go through a digital transformation of their processes and how they engage with their customers, they are often ready for a multi-cloud environment.
September 21, 2022
With our new next-compute-js library, you can now host your Next.js application on our Compute@Edge platform – giving you the benefits of both the Next.js developer experience and our…
September 16, 2022
Many of the world's websites are static, and Fastly’s content delivery network gets those pages from origin to visitors quickly. But what if we took the origin out of the equation?
August 23, 2022
We are very excited about OpenTelemetry. We wrote about why, and also about how to emit telemetry from Fastly's VCL services, and our new Compute platform. But OpenTelemetry's value truly…
June 16, 2022
Traditionally, content delivery networks have been built upon a proprietary core product which is supported by equally proprietary add-ons such as image optimization and content filtering…
June 8, 2022
At its core, Private Access Tokens present a privacy-respecting, anti-fraud and authorization framework. This blog post provides an overview of what it does and how developers can try it out…
April 11, 2022
iCloud Private Relay is a new internet privacy service from Apple. With iCloud Private Relay, users with an iPhone, iPad, or Mac and an iCloud+ subscription can connect to and browse the…
March 16, 2022
If you build stuff on Fastly, chances are you spend a decent amount of time on our Developer Hub. Last month, we migrated it from our VCL platform to Compute. Here's how we did it and what…

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