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July 25
CMSs may make the internet go, but they also come with several common challenges that companies, regardless of industry, can face. But that's where Fastly comes in.
July 24
One of the most common reasons for customers sending support tickets to Fastly is for help with purging content from cache - either it stays too long, or doesn't stay long enough. We have…
July 11
Learn more about how Fastly's Image Optimizer works with JPEG XL to significantly reduce image size without losing data or impacting performance.
July 1
Cache hit ratio shouldn't be the only metric you use to understand CDN performance. In this post, we'll explore the importance of Origin Offload.
May 3
Many CDNs offer the same types of services, but not all are created equal. An online business' success depends on a modern, efficient CDN that can serve content fast.
April 26
How can Fastly help improve website performance and digital sustainability? Check out these five key recommendations.
April 9
Websocket limitations can be costly and inefficient if you want to push a lot of real-time content. Discover how Websockets paired with Fastly Fanout improves real-time communication.
March 26
Discover a new level of speed with our data storage solution that outperforms traditional KV stores. Build something amazing today!
March 14
This post details the journey of improving the security of TLS private keys and improving the performance and efficiency of TLS handshakes along the way.
December 8, 2023
Fastly is 29% faster than edgio when it comes to delivering the first byte. It’s representative of overall gains in LCP and performance.
November 14, 2023
Check out this collected guide on cybersecurity best practices to survive the holiday season with Fastly's Next-Gen WAF.
November 2, 2023
Fastly is 43% faster to first byte (TTFB) than Akamai CDN, and 32% faster than other CDNs, and it’s representative of overall gains in LCP and performance.

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