The 4.2 release of the Fastly agent introduces WebSocket traffic inspection, enabling customers to extend the coverage of applications, APIs, and microservices protected by Fastly’s Next-Gen…
Fastly teams up with Mozilla, Intel, and Red Hat to form the Bytecode Alliance, an open-source community working together on WebAssembly-based compiler tools and foundations that work across…
QUIC, the new internet transport protocol set to replace TCP, was comprehensively built by tech industry leaders over nearly seven years. Go behind the scenes to see how QUIC evolved from a…
Fastly is now offering access to its serverless compute environment in private beta. Meet Compute@Edge, a uniquely secure, performant, and scalable approach to serverless computing.
SEO is a murky science, with search engines striving to present the best possible result, and everyone else trying to figure out what "best" means in practice. What we do know is that…
Fastly Fiddle allows for instant experimentation with Fastly's edge cloud behaviours without having to set up a Fastly account. Now, we're adding the ability to define assertions to specify…
Fastly announces sweeping updates to reconcile its Terraform provider with key Fastly functionality, empowering customers with more automation and customization of services.
Over the past decade, we’ve come to rely on client-based technologies like Conviva and other vendors to identify areas of QoE where we might improve. While client-based analytics provide…
We're introducing a new collection of tools built just for developers — gathered on one easy-to-search page — so you can discover, test, and deploy edge solutions in a faster, safer way…
Fastly has joined more than 200 companies to sign a “friend of the court” brief that urges the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure the protection of LGBTQ+ people.
Our new user onboarding experience is built on our values of putting the customer first, transparency, and constantly iterating and innovating. See what's new, and our methodologies for…