Today we are excited to announce the launch of our 30-day free trials for Origin and Domain Inspector!
If you have been contemplating streamlining how you gather origin performance data or domain-level insights, you can now activate enterprise-level, real-time, and historical data straight from the Fastly app. Head over to the Origin and Domain tabs within the Stats section of the Fastly app to enable your free 30-day trials today.
Check out our earlier announcement to see what metrics are available. Whether your Fastly configuration employs a single origin, multi-cloud, or multi-CDN architecture, Origin Inspector provides a dataset and visualizations that offer real-time and historical visibility into responses delivered from your origin servers to our edge cloud. And with Domain Inspector, you can analyze your domain request traffic, observe traffic patterns, and identify performance issues to keep your websites and services running smoothly.
You can also choose to start each free trial separately or fire them up at the same time for double the metrics. For one month your team can access the following metrics under Origin Inspector:
Response counts
Origin latency
Origin bandwidth
Origin status codes (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX)
And the following metrics under Domain Inspector:
Aggregated origin and edge metrics for each domain
Edge request counts
Edge hit ratios
Response status codes (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX)

Start collecting full enterprise-level metrics that enable you to:
View real-time and historical metrics with ease in our dashboard
Access and report on every request and response from edge to origin
Improve performance by identifying and resolving issues quickly
Simplify previously complex data pipelines with 3rd parties
You’ll be notified by email when your trial has started and when your trial is ending. Now, head over to the Origin and Domain tabs within the Stats section of the Fastly app to enable your free 30-day trials today!