Tom Daly
VP, Infrastructure
Tom Daly is Vice President of Infrastructure at Fastly. He was formerly CTO and co-founder of Dynamic Network Services (“DYN”). Tom joined Fastly with 15 years of network engineering and infrastructure-building experience. He serves as a member of Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Engineering Department advisory board. Tom has a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from Bentley.
Network Expansion Update: 51 POPs & 22 Tbps
Tom Daly
We have been busy over the first half of the year launching POPs in Vancouver, Canada; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Mumbai and Chennai, India. Additionally, we’ve completed upgrade cycles to our POPs in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia; Paris, France; Madrid, Spain; Denver, Colorado; and Chicago, Illinois. This work brings the total global number of Fastly POPs to 51 along with 22 Tbps of connected network capacity.
2018 starts with 46 POPs & 20 Tbps of connected edge capacity
Tom Daly, Ryan Landry
The Fastly Infrastructure and Edge Cloud Operations Teams wrapped up 2017 by completing major milestones in our point of presence (POP) deployments around the globe AND achieving 20 Tbps of connected edge capacity. Since our last update, we’ve deployed additional US POPs in Atlanta, Houston, Columbus, and Palo Alto, brand-new locations in Cape Town, South Africa and Columbus Ohio, plus a new 100GE-enabled POP in Tokyo, Japan. These upgrades empower us to scale to meet customer demands, reduce latency, and improve resilience to our network — read on to see what we’ve been up to.
Building Edge: 40 POPs, 15 Tbps Capacity | Fastly
Tom Daly
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added a collection of new POPs to the Fastly global network. Since our last update, we’ve deployed additional US POPs in Chicago, Newark, Ashburn, and Los Angeles, plus a brand-new location in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fastly’s global network now exceeds 15 Tbps of connected internet capacity, and we will continue to scale alongside our rapidly growing customer base.
Fastly's 35th POP: Johannesburg + Network Upgrades
Tom Daly
We’re pleased to announce our 35th point of presence (POP) located in Johannesburg, South Africa, and have grown our overall network capacity by 737.6% since 2014. We’ve deployed to Johannesburg (JNB) to increase performance for sites delivered by Fastly throughout southern Africa. With JNB online, Fastly now has [POPs on six continents](https://www.fastly.com/network-map). In this post, VP of Infrastructure Tom Daly discusses the improvements users in South Africa and neighboring areas will see, as well as the latest updates to our network in Auckland, Miami, Seattle, and Singapore.
Fastly's POPs in Minneapolis, Montreal, and Madrid
Tom Daly
We’re pleased to announce an alliteration of new POPs to the Fastly network: Minneapolis, Montreal, and Madrid. We’ve deployed these POPs to expand our reach throughout the Central United States, Canada, and southwestern Europe.
Network expansion update: Frankfurt
Tom Daly
We’re pleased to announce the addition of a second Frankfurt POP to Fastly’s network. In addition to providing more capacity and redundancy to our CDN in Central and Eastern Europe, the Frankfurt POP gives us the opportunity to leverage new switching technology to drive more 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports in our network.
Announcing our 30th POP: Paris!
Tom Daly
We’re pleased to announce that our 30th POP has come online to the Fastly Network. Located in Paris, France, our new CDG POP is designed to better service Europe by decreasing latency and increasing bandwidth for users in the region.
Announcing Fastly’s POP in the United Arab Emirates
Tom Daly
We’re pleased to announce Fastly’s first POP in the Middle East, located in Fujairah, UAE. Located just 100 miles east of Dubai, Fujairah (FJR) is home to a number of major submarine cable landings serving the Middle East and members states of the Gulf Cooperation Council.