Fanout forwarding starter kit for JavaScript

Enables Fanout on a service, forwarding to a backend.

Fastly Compute

Use this starter

Using the Fastly CLI, create a new project using this starter somewhere on your computer:

$ fastly compute init --from=

Or click the button below to create a GitHub repository, provision a Fastly service, and set up continuous deployment:

Deploy to Fastly


To create an application using this starter kit, create a new directory for your application and switch to it, and then type the following command:

npm create @fastly/compute@latest -- --language=javascript --starter-kit=fanout-forward

The app expects a configured backend named "origin" that points to an origin server. For example, if the server is available at domain, then you'll need to create a backend on your Fastly Compute service named "origin" with the destination host set to and port 443. Also set Override Host to the same host value.

[!NOTE] Fastly's local development server does not support Fanout features. To experiment with Fanout, you will need to publish this project to your Fastly Compute service.

To build and deploy your application to your Fastly account, type the following command. The first time you deploy the application, you will be prompted to create a new service in your account.

npm run deploy

After deploying the app and setting up the backend configuration, all connections received by the service will be passed through the Fanout proxy to the origin. If WebSocket-over-HTTP mode is enabled on your service, then client WebSocket activity will be converted into HTTP when sending to the origin.

Next steps

This page is part of a series in the Real-time data use case.

Starters are a good way to bootstrap a project. For more specific use cases, and answers to common problems, try our library of code examples.