fastly compute publish

Build and deploy a Compute package to a Fastly service.


$ fastly compute publish


--commentNoHuman-readable comment
--dirNoProject directory to build (default: current directory)
--domainNoThe name of the domain associated to the package
--envNoThe manifest environment config to use (e.g. 'stage' will attempt to read 'fastly.stage.toml')
--include-sourceNoInclude source code in built package
--languageNoLanguage type
--metadata-disableNoDisable Wasm binary metadata annotations
--metadata-filter-envvarsNoRedact specified environment variables from [scripts.env_vars] using comma-separated list
--metadata-showNoInspect the Wasm binary metadata
--packageNoPath to a package tar.gz
--package-nameNoPackage name
--service-idNoService ID (falls back to FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, then fastly.toml)
--service-nameNoThe name of the service
--status-check-codeNoSet the expected status response for the service availability check to the root path
--status-check-offNoDisable the service availability check
--status-check-pathNo/Specify the URL path for the service availability check
--status-check-timeoutNo120Set a timeout (in seconds) for the service availability check
--versionNo'latest', 'active', or the number of a specific Fastly service version
--timeoutNoTimeout, in seconds, for the build compilation step

Global options

--helpNoShow context-sensitive help.
--accept-defaultsNoAccept default options for all interactive prompts apart from Yes/No confirmations
--auto-yesNoAnswer yes automatically to all Yes/No confirmations. This may suppress security warnings
--debug-modeNoPrint API request and response details (NOTE: can disrupt the normal CLI flow output formatting)
--enable-ssoNoEnable Single-Sign On (SSO) for current profile execution (see also: 'fastly sso')
--non-interactiveNoDo not prompt for user input - suitable for CI processes. Equivalent to --accept-defaults and --auto-yes
--profileNoSwitch account profile for single command execution (see also: 'fastly profile switch')
--quietNoSilence all output except direct command output. This won't prevent interactive prompts (see: --accept-defaults, --auto-yes, --non-interactive)
--tokenNoFastly API token (or via FASTLY_API_TOKEN)
--verboseNoVerbose logging


Build and deploy a Compute package to a Fastly service

The fastly compute publish command is a convenience wrapper around the existing build and deploy commands. All flags present on the fastly compute build and fastly compute deploy commands are available to use here.

$ fastly compute publish --accept-defaults

API equivalent

This command internally uses the following Fastly public APIs: