fastly logging https/create

Create an HTTPS logging endpoint on a Fastly service version.


$ fastly logging https/create --version=VERSION


--nameNoThe name of the HTTPS logging object. Used as a primary key for API access
--versionYes'latest', 'active', or the number of a specific Fastly service version
--autocloneNoIf the selected service version is not editable, clone it and use the clone.
--content-typeNoContent type of the header sent with the request
--formatNoApache style log formatting. Your log must produce valid JSON
--format-versionNoThe version of the custom logging format used for the configured endpoint. Can be either 2 (the default, version 2 log format) or 1 (the version 1 log format). The logging call gets placed by default in vcl_log if format_version is set to 2 and in vcl_deliver if format_version is set to 1
--header-nameNoName of the custom header sent with the request
--header-valueNoValue of the custom header sent with the request
--json-formatNoEnforces valid JSON formatting for log entries. Can be disabled 0, array of json (wraps JSON log batches in an array) 1, or newline delimited json (places each JSON log entry onto a new line in a batch) 2
--message-typeNoHow the message should be formatted. One of: classic (default), loggly, logplex or blank
--methodNoHTTP method used for request. Can be POST or PUT. Defaults to POST if not specified
--placementNoWhere in the generated VCL the logging call should be placed, overriding any format_version default. Can be none or waf_debug. This field is not required and has no default value
--request-max-bytesNoMaximum size of log batch, if non-zero. Defaults to 100MB
--request-max-entriesNoMaximum number of logs to append to a batch, if non-zero. Defaults to 10k
--response-conditionNoThe name of an existing condition in the configured endpoint, or leave blank to always execute
--service-idNoService ID (falls back to FASTLY_SERVICE_ID, then fastly.toml)
--service-nameNoThe name of the service
--tls-ca-certNoA secure certificate to authenticate the server with. Must be in PEM format
--tls-client-certNoThe client certificate used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format
--tls-client-keyNoThe client private key used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format
--tls-hostnameNoUsed during the TLS handshake to validate the certificate
--urlNoURL that log data will be sent to. Must use the https protocol

Global options

--helpNoShow context-sensitive help.
--accept-defaultsNoAccept default options for all interactive prompts apart from Yes/No confirmations
--auto-yesNoAnswer yes automatically to all Yes/No confirmations. This may suppress security warnings
--debug-modeNoPrint API request and response details (NOTE: can disrupt the normal CLI flow output formatting)
--enable-ssoNoEnable Single-Sign On (SSO) for current profile execution (see also: 'fastly sso')
--non-interactiveNoDo not prompt for user input - suitable for CI processes. Equivalent to --accept-defaults and --auto-yes
--profileNoSwitch account profile for single command execution (see also: 'fastly profile switch')
--quietNoSilence all output except direct command output. This won't prevent interactive prompts (see: --accept-defaults, --auto-yes, --non-interactive)
--tokenNoFastly API token (or via FASTLY_API_TOKEN)
--verboseNoVerbose logging

API equivalent

This command internally uses the following Fastly public APIs: